Institut für Musikforschung

Tim Eipert, M.A.

Tim Eipert currently holds a position as a Research Assistant at the edition project Corpus Monodicum: Die einstimmige Musik des lateinischen Mittelalters. In 2020, he successfully completed his Master's degree in Musicology, specializing in a thesis focused on the automated segmentation of medieval chants. His research interests primarily revolve around critically employing computer-assisted methods to address music theory questions in diverse contexts such as medieval transmission or jazz, as well as exploring topics related to digital editing.


Tim Eipert, Fabian C. Moss (2023, November). MonodiKit: A data model and toolkit for medieval monophonic chant. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology, 67–71.

Eita Nakamura, Tim Eipert, Fabian Moss (2023, November). Historical Changes of Modes and their Substructure Modeled as Pitch Distributions in Plainchant from the 1100s to the 1500s. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research, 450–461.

Tim Eipert, Andreas Haug, Felix Herrmann, Frank Puppe, and Christoph Wick. (2019): Editor Support for Digital Editions of Medieval Monophonic Music. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Reading Music Systems, Delft, 2019. (Online verfügbar unter:

Tim Eipert, Andreas Haug, Felix Herrmann, Frank Puppe, Konstantin Voigt und Christoph Wick: Editionsphilologische, informationstechnische und musiktheoretische Aspekte des digitalen Edierens einstimmiger Musik des Mittelalters am Beispiel des CORPUS MONODICUM. In: Musiktheorie. Zeitschrift für Musikwissenschaft. Heft 3/2019.


„Reconstructing the Formation of Trope Traditions through Network Models“ [with Fabian C. Moss], Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference, Granada, 08.07.2024. (

„Medieval Chant Lineages Unlocked: Leveraging Optical Music Recognition for Phylogenetic Analysis of Gregorian Proper“ [with Alexander Hartelt, Fabian C. Moss, Frank Puppe], Echoes Conference. Digital Technologies Applied to Music Research, Lisbon, 28.06.2024. (

„Digital chant scholarship in Würzburg“, DACT Chant Analytics Workshop, Prague, 05.06.2024, (
„Searching for Suitable Statistical Models for the Transmission and Structure of Medieval Chant“, Bayesian Modeling for Musicology, Würzburg, 02.02.2024, (

„A system of trope elements: using network models to understand interrelations within the transmission of trope complexes“ [gemeinsam mit Fabian C. Moss]
Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference 2023, Munich, 28.07.2023

„Digitale Tools zur Edition einstimmiger mittelalterlicher Musik“
Internationaler runder Tisch des CROMUSCODEX70-Projekts
Bibliothek der kroatischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und Künste, Zagreb, 5.03.2020

„Die Sequenzen-Edition im Corpus Monodicum. Perspektiven und Probleme einer Hybrid-Edition einstimmiger Musik des lateinischen Mittelalters“ [gemeinsam mit Anna Sanda und Lucia Swientek]  

Aktuelle Fragen der Edition in transdisziplinärer Perspektive, Workshop des Mediävistischen Arbeitskreises Wolfenbüttel 
Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel, 8.11.2019

„Perspektiven einer Online-Edition der einstimmigen lateinischen Musik des mittelalterlichen Europa“ [gemeinsam mit Anna Sanda] 
Mittelalter im Fokus. Chancen und Perspektiven des Akademieprogramms für die mediävistische Forschung im 21. Jahrhundert 
Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Munich, 12.9.2019


Tim Eipert, Fabian C. Moss. Communities in Medieval Troper Networks are Shaped by Carolingian Politics. (2023, November) Presented at the 10th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology.

Tim Eipert, Klaus Frieler, Fabian C. Moss. Inside or Outside: The Use of Scales in Jazz Solo Improvisations. (2023, September) Presented at Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Musikforschung in Saarbrücken.