Juniorprofessur für Digitale Musikphilologie und Musiktheorie
Prof. Dr. Fabian C. Moss

You can find a full overview of my publications, talks, and teaching on my personal website.
I am an assistant professor for Digital Music Philology and Music Theory at Julius-Maximilians University Würzburg (JMU), Germany. In my research, I try to bridge conceptual and methodological approaches from the humanities and the sciences, and to understand music and its structure from an inherently interdisciplinary perspective. To that end, I draw on a broad range of methods and concepts from areas such as musicology and music theory, mathematics, music information retrieval, data Science and machine learning, music psychology and cognition, and the digital humanities.
One of my central interests lies in analysing large digital corpora in order to better understand musical styles, especially from a historical viewpoint. More specifically, I work with large symbolic datasets of musical scores and harmonic annotations. I am also interested in computational modeling of music and its perception, and am fascinated by quantitative approaches to model historical processes. I teach courses covering a wide range of topics in music theory, computational musicology, and digital tools.
Before my appointment to JMU, I have worked as a Research Fellow in Cultural Analytics at University of Amsterdam (Media Studies Department & Data Science Centre), and before that as doctoral and postdoctoral researcher at the Digital and Cognitive Musicology Lab ( EPFL).
Research Interests
- Computational Musicology
- Music Theory and Analysis
- Corpus Studies & Stylometry
- Digital Humanities
- Cultural Evolution
PhD Students
- Adrian Nachtwey: "Eine Studie zur textkritischen Analyse von Musikeditionsvarianten im 19. Jahrhundert unter Anwendung von digitalen Methoden" (Musikwissenschaft)
- Tim Eipert: "A Quantitative Perspective on Transmission, Structure, and Modality of Medieval Chant", Graduate School Humanities (Digital Humanities)
- Lucas Hofmann: "Computational modeling of complex temporal and tonal structures in early twentieth-century music”, Graduate School Humanities (Digital Humanities)
Student Assistants
- Tim Eipert (Support Grant Writing)
- Achim Sauer (Support Lecture Series CODAMUS)
- Kevin Vonnahme (Development VR Environment for Project Virtual Tonal Spaces)
- Corinna Bongartz (Digitization of Corpus Troporum data)
- Zihan Guo (Audio Annotation)
- Christina Nastos (Audio Annotation)
Open Positions