WOM Index 1959-2010

the world of music bibliography—Index, Contents, and Abstracts 1959-2010, ed. by Max Peter Baumann. Berlin: VWB – Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung, 2012. ISSN 0043-8774; ISBN 978-3-86135-830-5.
In the 50-year history of the world of music journal, more than 195 issues were published. More than 1200 articles of a variety of different topics were published, around 500 books were reviewed and, in addition, nearly 400 recordings. The first section of the publication provides a brief history of the journal’s editorial context and ethnomusicological concepts. It indicates which editors were in charge, and in which years the journal was edited, with three, four or even six issues a year in past volumes. Listed are the volumes, the issue numbers, the particular impressum indicating editors in connection with changing institutions and publishers. The Index of Contents and Abstracts lists each individual issue. The editorial details and contents of each issue are provided, followed by the corresponding abstract. The complete world of music bibliography brings more than 1200 entries by author, covering the main articles and contributions to the journal. This bibliography covers all the years from 1959 to 2011. Editors and guest editors are also included in the list, with reference to particular topical issues. The Book Reviews and Recording Reviews section lists all reviewed authors with the titles of their books, and also all reviewers of books in alphabetical order. Finally, the Cumulative Index section collates more than 16.000 keywords of the Contents and Abstracts. It delineates thematic, regional, geographical and systematic contents, subjects, keywords, and names, with direct reference to the articles of the main contributors, as well as details of the abstracts on the one hand, and reference to the main keywords of books and recordings reviewed on the other hand.