Authors, References, Object List
SMM = Studiensammlung Musikinstrumente & Medien an der Universität Würzburg / Study Collection of Musical Instruments & Media at Würzburg University
DAI = Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Berlin. Reconstructions/Replicas from Archæomusica, Exhibition of the EMAP (European Music Archaeology Project)
MUS-IC-ON! = MUS-IC-ON! Klang der Antike. Ausstellung in Martin von Wagner Museum der Universität Würzburg 10. Dezember 2019 bis 12. Juli 2020

Photos of the Exhibition: André Mischke (indicated), Oliver Wiener
Station I: Musical Animals & Instruments
Text: Frank Kleißle, Oliver Wiener
Photos: Peacocks: Dotārās, Northeast India, 20th c., SMM De 166/De 346 (O. Wiener)
Bronze bell from Assur, 8th c. BC., Berlin, VAM, Inv.-Nr. VA 2517, Casting: Martin von Wagner Museum (O. Wiener)
Duracell Commercial 1979, © Youtube
Roman sarcophagus, 2nd c. AD., Martin von Wagner Museum, Inv. H 5969 (P. Neckermann)
Station II: More than Material
Text (object labels): Oliver Wiener
Wall arrangement: Frank Kleißle, Katja Saupe, Nelly Krämer-Reinhardt
Objects: Quena, Peru, mid-20th c., Studiensammlung Musikinstrumente & Medien Würzburg University
(SMM), Lo 27
Wakra phuku, Peru, mid-20th c., SMM Lo 99
Cattle horn harp, Western Africa, 20th c., SMM De 393
Cimpoi, Romania, ca. 2000, SMM De 628
Quijada, Peru or Bolivia, 2oth century, DMM De 529
Kundi harp with ivory neck, DR Congo, early 20th c., SMM De 598
Text: Oliver Wiener
Photos: Pierre Belon: Les Observations De Plusieurs Singularites et Choses Memorables […] Paris 1553, 467, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Munich
Frans Post: Brasilian Landscape with Armadillo (1649), Alte Pinakothek Munich, Inv. nr. 1561
Objects: Cuatro armadillo, Venezuela ca. 2000, SMM De 374
Bandurria/Bandolon, Peru, 20th c., SMM De 48
Dhodro banam
Text: Stella Marte
Object: Dhodro banam, Northeast India, 20th c., SMM De 570
Text & Photo: Oliver Wiener
Object: Kora, Western Africa, 20th c., SMM De 77
Text (object labels): Oliver Wiener
Hohle Fels Flute, DAI 19: Replica, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut; Orient-Abteilung (Berlin); EMAP: Archaeomusica with the Support of the Culture Programme of the European Union
Geissenklöesterle Flute, DAI 20: Replica, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut; Orient-Abteilung (Berlin); EMAP: Archaeomusica with the Support of the Culture Programme of the European Union
Lyre from Novgorod, Russia (1.100-1.200 AD), Rekonstruktion: Thilo Viehrig, Slg. DAI, Inv.-Nr. I-1-Po4-3
EMAP: Archaeomusica with the Support of the Culture Programme of the European Union
Ocarina, Vienna around 1900 – SMM R 27
Text: Oliver Wiener
Object: Chakhe, Thailand, 20th c., SMM De 107
Station III: Soundscapes
Text: Oliver Wiener
Photos: The Unesco Courier, November 1976
Cycles of the Natural Soudscape of the West Coast of British Columbia, Murray Schafer 1976, Cormoran: © Pexels Stock Photos
People and their relation to the natural soundscape, aus: Cajsa S. Lund: Sound Tools, Symbols or Something Quite Different? On Possible Percussion Instruments from Bronze-Age Sweden − Including Methodological Aspects of Music-Archaeological Research, in: R. Eichmann et al. (ed.) 2012, Studien zur Musikarchäologie VIII, Rahden: Marie Leidorf, 71
Cover from: Bernie Krause 2015, Das große Orchester der Tiere. Vom Ursprung der Musik in der Natur, Munich: Malik
Station IV: Bulls
Text: Dahlia Shehata
Photos: Tomb PG 1237 of the royal tombs of Ur. Model on a scale of 1:20. Concept and construction: Sophia Mann.
Monkey Musicians, Uruk (Irak), 6. century BCE, Heidelberg, Uruk-Warka-Sammlung der Universität, W 19524 und W 19524, Photo: O. Wiener
Lyre Front Plate, Ur (Irak), ca. 2450 BCE, Philadelphia, Penn Museum, B17694A, Courtesy of the Penn Museum
Sumerian Box Lyre, Tomb of Queen Puabi, Ur, Iraq. Early dynastic age (2500–2400 BC). Object: DAI Collection: II-1-Po3-1. Working model: Graeme Lawson and Susanna Schulz– EMAP: Archaeomusica. With the Support of Culture Programme of the EU
Text: Oliver Wiener
Object: Ranak-ek, SMM De 532
Hittite Giant Lyre
Text (object label): Dahlia Shehata
Station V: Asinus & Lyra
Text: Nancy Thym
Notre-Dame de Chartres Cathedral. Photo: Terrence C. Smith
Object: Reconstruction of the Psalter on the roof of Notre-Dame de Chartres Cathedral, Susanne Schulze 2012.
Station VI: Horses
Text: Dahlia Shehata (object label box lyre; Horses in Egypt and Mepopotamia)
Clara Wenz (web ressource: Royal Animals – Horses in Egyptian History)
Tilman Musch (The Mongolian Horsehead Fiddle)
Photos: A Rhaetian Angular, Harp of Fritzens Pirchboden (Reconstruction), Gerhard Tomedi, University of Innsbruck
Egyptian Box Lyre, Thebes, New Kingdom, 20th Dynasty, 1200–1100 BC, Berlin,
Ägyptisches Museum – Replica: Susanna Schulz/Riccardo Eichmann. Deutsches Archäologisches Institut; Orient-Abteilung (Berlin); EMAP:Archaeomusica with the Support of the Culture Programmeof the European Union;
Morin khuur, Mongolia 20th c., SMM De 543
Horsehead Mandolin, Buryatia, USSR, 20th c., SMM De 137
Text: Oliver Wiener
Object: Rebab andalusi, Morocco, 20th c., SMM De 397
Station VII: The Power of the Lyre
Text: Nany Thym
Photos: Ovid, Metamorphoses, ed. Raphael Regius, Parma 1505, Book X, 143, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Munich
Orpheus Plate, Attica. Halle, Robertinum K 81, Photo: O. Wiener
Stave church portal, Uvdal in Numedal, Norway (13th-14th century), Nancy Thym
Hylestad stave church portal, Setesdal, Norway (ca. 1200), © Wikimedia
Station VIII: Hermes
Arrangement and Text: Katja Saupe, Oliver Wiener
Photos: Hermes Kantharos, Boiotia, End 6th c. BC., Würzburg, Martin von Wagner Museum, Inv.-Nr. L466, Peter Neckermann
Stag beetle (private loan)
Tortoise Shell (permanent loan by Museum Natur und Mensch Munich)
Small Double Harp, Central Africa (origin unclear), SMM De 90
Kithara, built by Ralf Gehler for MUS-IC-ON! – Klang der Antike, Exhibition 2019-2020, Martin von Wagner Museum, Würzburg University.
Chelys Lyre, Replica according to pictorial representations ca. 600–400 BC, built for MUS-IC-ON! by Volker Schmidt, Lüneburg
Text: Oliver Wiener
Object: Indonesia, 20th c., SMM De 118
Station IX: Insect Music
Text: Florian Leitmeir
Photos: Two Silver Medallions, Munich, Staatliche Antikensammlungen, SL 661a/b, Renate Kühling
Silver Medallion, London, British Museum 1853,0314.1. © Trustees of the British Museum
Sard, London, British Museum 1923.0401.323. © Trustees of the British Museum
Sard, London, British Museum 1814.0704.1447. © Trustees of the British Museum
Berlin, Antikensammlung FG 6525. © bpk/Antikensammlung, SMB, Johannes Laurentius.
Graph: H. C. Bennet-Clark, D. Young: A Model of the Mechanism of Sound Production in Cicadas, Journal of Experimental Biology 173/1 (Dec. 1992),
Station X: Some Birds
Text: Nelly Krämer-Reinhardt, Oliver Wiener
Photos: Ichstedt bird rattles, replica. André Schlauch after objects of the Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte, Halle. ÖAW Vienna, EMAP: Archaeomusica with the Support of the Culture Programme of the EU, Christina Kiefer
Apulian ceremonial plate (c. 320–310 BC), Würzburg, Martin von Wagner Museum, H5751, Christina Kiefer
Graph: Martin Rohrmeier et al. 2015, Principles of structure building in music, language and animal song, in: Philosophical Tranactions of the Royal Society, Biological Series, 370 (March 2015),
Athanasius Kircher, Musurgia universalis, Rome 1650, vol. I, 30, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich
Ghijak, Afghanistan, SMM De 572
Object: Taus/Mayuri Veena, India, SMM De 536
4-Channel Sound Installation
Composition: Jonas Maier, Zhetargi – Animal Poetry (2023)
Space and time arrangement: Oliver Wiener
Selected Bibliography
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